Our Social Responsibility

Sustainability is hugely important to aston lucas gourmet

We know it’s both the big and little things that make a difference and we take pride in working to help to promote biodiversity, maintain healthy ecosystems and be kinder to our environment.

To do this we start with the meticulous planning of our menu. We then handpick the freshest produce from our local farming partners and local Aston Lucas cheese and meat suppliers. This minimises food waste, reduces food miles and maintains the Aston Lucas Gourmet mission, encouraging the traditional practice of farm to the plate.

All our delicious ready-to-eat meals are packaged using recyclable materials. In house, we use BioGone cling film, which is completely landfill-biodegradable. We actively compost any food waste, recycle inhouse packaging and use non-toxic alternatives in place of commercial grade cleaning products.

Sustainability is a daily practice for our company and by focusing on improving each small initiative and every single order, together we can make a huge difference!